In our chapter on “World Lover’s Leaps,” in Lover’s Leap Legends: From Sappho of Lesbos to Wah-Wah-tee of Waco, we shared a postcard image and brief account of the love and loss of Hannah Baddeley, a well known part of Stoney Middleton, Derbyshire’s local lore. This 18th century tale tells of a beautiful maiden scorned in love and despairing, who flung herself from the precipitous cliff above the small town. Battered and bruised, she survived, but died two years later.

The one-time way station called Lovers Leap Tavern (now called Curry Cottage) was noted in an 1841 issue of “The Monthly Chronicle.” At one time the inn offered unhappy couples contemplating jumping a chance to repair to a room to reconcile.
Today’s Google Alerts brought a much expanded explanation of “How Lover’s Leap in Stoney Middleton Got its Name,” in Great British Life. Author Nathan Fearn consulted with Colin Hall of the Stoney Middleton Heritage Group who confirmed the unfortunate Miss Baddeley was indeed real, baptized in either 1738 or 1739 (18th century script can be hard to decipher) and buried in 1764, a mere two years after her desperate jump.
The small village, south and west of Sheffield, near Peak District National Park, has in its history colorful characters (“Black Harry” an 18th century highwayman, for example), many historic buildings, and a prominent scene in Tom Cruise’s recent Mission Impossible: 7, other tales of romantic love, and lo and behold – he notes two additional Lover’s Leaps in Derbyshire! One new to us took place at Dovedale. There the legend attached to another promontory is of a heartbroken lass whose lover, she thought, was killed in the Napoleonic Wars. Happily, he was not. Mr. Fearn also describes the leap at Ashwood Dale, which we located as near Buxton. However, both these lovers’ tales come to happier conclusions than the story of forlorn Miss Baddeley. Follow the link to Great British Life for the juicy details and much more.
Spring travel season is approaching. Those looking for off-the-beaten-path sites to explore can use Lover’s Leap Legends as a guide to romantic tales in spectacular settings across the U.S. and around the world!
Lens & Pen Press is having a half-price sale for all titles. Lover’s Leap Legends: From Sappho of Lesbos to Wah-Wah-Tee of Waco is available through our website for $17.50 (half the original price of $35), USPS postage paid.