Revisiting Noccalula

On a recent trip to Alabama, I had the opportunity to swing up to Gadsden to see Noccalula once again. Rains had been constant for several days and the stream plunging over Noccalula Falls was full and roaring. It was a chilly late winter afternoon and the sun was reaching toward the horizon. There she was – the cover girl of our book, the great bronze sculpture of Princess Noccalula by Baroness Suzanne Silvercruys, still poised on the precipice.

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Noccalula and the variations on her legend, in poem, prose and song, open the chapter “Waterfalls” of Lover’s Leap Legends: from Sappho of Lesbos to Wah-Wah-Tee of Waco. She has graced the covers of other publications and has most recently been the star of The Noccalula Experience, “a moving, interactive theater performance in the gorge at Noccaulula Fall,” which ran in the summer of 2019.

Spring travel season is approaching. Those looking for off-the-beaten-path sites to explore can use Lover’s Leap Legends as a guide to romantic tales in spectacular settings across the U.S. and around the world!

Lens & Pen Press is having a half-price sale for all titles. Lover’s Leap Legends: From Sappho of Lesbos to Wah-Wah-Tee of Waco is available through our website for $17.50 (half the original price of $35), USPS postage paid.



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